Evergreen Dental -

MagyarországEvergreen Dental



🕗 Nyitva tartás

45, Andrássy út, 1061, Budapest, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 1 201 0835
weboldal: www.evergreendent.de
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.5042251, Longitude: 19.0621059

hozzászólások 5

  • Alex Hubbuck

    Alex Hubbuck


    First let me thank your very helpful and patient staff, Antal who drove me between appointments, found my camera memory cards and tried to teach me Hungarian. Orsolya, who spoke very good English and was a happy face to see when i walked into the clinic and her colleague who is not listed in the team web page who phoned me to let me know the appointment times. And Gabor who was very informative and patient with me, he did a great job on my teeth and i'm now telling all my friends and family of the great service. And finally yourself who gave me the confidence to chance coming to a different country to have treatment on my teeth. Thank you all

  • Peter Reeman

    Peter Reeman


    I was persuaded to attend this clinic through dental departures web site. I was given a verified quote for the work for 780 euros. When I arrived for the appointment I was told the price was 2,700 euros, but they recommended treatment for 5,500 euros. A complete fraud. They expect that after you have made the journey that you will pay the inflated prices. NOT to be trusted. The promises they make in their leaflet are a joke. I was ignored for two hours, their WiFi did not work. No tea/coffee....more than a dentist..oh yes, much more ! Buyer beware.

  • Alexandra



    It`s written that the clinic opens from 8 o`clock on Saturday, however, I was calling at 8, at 9 and 10 and no one was there. The case was very urgent.

  • en

    Ryan Kerr


    I recently had some work done here. The team is experienced and accommodating. The result was just what I was looking for.

  • Loca Chicas

    Loca Chicas


    Great location, amazing service, positive staff, professional friendly doctors, very good quality place in the heart of Budapest. I highly recommend it for all type of dental work.

legközelebbi Fogorvos

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