Platinum Dental Budapest -

MagyarországPlatinum Dental Budapest



🕗 Nyitva tartás

10, Fehér Hajó utca, 1052, Budapest, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 1 338 3233
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.4960841, Longitude: 19.0530543

hozzászólások 4

  • en



    Amazing service from start to finish! From the moment I got in touch with Simon, he was very quick to respond and give me prices on what I needed to be done. When I then booked the appointment he organised my pick up from Budapest Airport and sent me all information I needed before the appointment, he could also arrange a hotel night if I required. It just couldn’t be any easier to Travel and have your teeth fixed, just as easy as it is to go to your dentist in your country. Dr Benedek is excellent at his job too, him and his 2 assistants were extremely friendly and professional and spoke fluent English. Dr Benedek told me thoroughly what needed to be done after a full check and didn’t try to add up work where it wasn’t needed as some other dentists might do. I am very pleased with the work he did! The facilities are very clean and modern. Thanks to the whole team for a great job! � I highly recommend using Platinum Dental Budapest and will definitely use them again myself in the future if needed!

  • en



    Fantastic service and wonderful care from Dr. Peter and his team. Highly recommend!

  • en

    Rhiana Jovonne Matthew


    The team at Platinum go above and beyond to make you visit to Budapest as pleasant as possible. I receive the best care at the highest value. Everything runs smoothly from the moment you land til the moment your back home. I would strongly recommend Platinum to anyone and have already had some friends take up treatment- and are as equally impressed as me!

  • en



    I came to Platinum Dental some time ago and the whole experience was amazing. As well as getting a fantastic new look "teeth wise", the care that was afforded to me in and out of the dentists chair was second to none. Thank you Peter and Simon for an incredible service. I highly recommend!!!!

legközelebbi Fogorvos

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