WestDent Fogászat és Implantologia -

MagyarországWestDent Fogászat és Implantologia



🕗 Nyitva tartás

64, Váci út, 1132, Budapest, HU Magyarország
érintkezés telefon: +36 30 943 3922
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.521776, Longitude: 19.0617005

hozzászólások 2

  • tr

    İbrahim Akyuz


  • Anett Diaz

    Anett Diaz


    I spontaneously decided to go to the dentist when I was on a business trip in Budapest since I knew from Norway that I need four new fillings. Additionally I was curious about a second opinion on my thoughts of getting braces and if to choose the incognito (braces from insight) model or something else. The appointment was arranged for the same day I called although the Dr. had a full calendar as I found out later. The clinics seemed very clean, the staff was very kind and everybody spoke good English. But best of all was the kind Dr. who took a lot of time to tell me everything about the treatment, prices and his opinion on the braces. He immediately sent me over to the X-Ray guys who took the pictures for little money and without any pre-booked appointment. Then I went back and to my surprise he used the Laser instead of a drill to fill the four wholes. Maybe the reason was that I told him I was always afraid of dentists, or it was just because this machine seems to be very convenient. All four wholes were filled in less than 60 minutes. It looks and feels much better than before cause I had some very sharp edges at the old fillings from my previous dentist experience. The Dr. took care and stopped whenever I reacted sensitive. The recommendation and cost estimation he gave me for the braces were stunning and I didn´t even know about the Damon system he recommended to me. I am right now checking flights to do this 1.5 year treatment in Budapest and am sure I will still save money in the end. Thank you! Absolutely recommendable! Best regards Anett

legközelebbi Fogorvos

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