VIP-Properties -




🕗 Nyitva tartás

9, Lázár utca, 1065, Budapest, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 1 413 0995
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.5021776, Longitude: 19.0563396

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    Attila Gábor Deák


    They did not show up at the apartment (at the discussed time) and did not bother to let us know. We waited for them for 20 min until they eventually answered our calls. It turned out they will never come. They lied to us and made up false excuses to cover themselves. Wouldnt recommend them! Attila

  • en

    Merav Mantel


    My daughter rented an apartment from VIP Properties. The service was professional. They took good care of my daughter for the whole rental period. Highly recommend.

  • en

    Kautilya Rajyaguru


    I moved to Budapest few months ago. I contacted VIP properties and they helped me to find a flat within my budget and exactly at the same location in downtown right at the city centre where I wanted. It was hassle free and very quick. Within a week I had the keys of my apartment and they even understood the issue regarding money transfer. They are the best real estate service provider in the city. They speak fluent English all the contracts are provided in English which is uncommon in Hungary. My apartment was neatly cleaned and provided me with everything I just had to bring my suitcase. Kudos to them and I highly recommend them to expats aswell as locals.

  • liz baldi

    liz baldi


    They entered the house many times when they knew we weren't there, sometimes with dogs and my friend is allergic, left us without internet for 3 MONTHS and lied on emails then contradicted each other.. I could continue. Do yourself a favor, go somewhere else!

  • en

    Alessandro Bianciardi


    This company provided me with flats for rent within which I lived for several years and in the last 12 years it is taking care of my property in Budapest renting it. I never had problems and my property is well kept. Especially in the last years the service improved further and I feel that my interest as owner is taken into high consideration. I definitively recommend it.

legközelebbi Számvitel

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