Trófea Grill -

MagyarországTrófea Grill



🕗 Nyitva tartás

2, Margit körút, 1027, Budapest, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 1 438 9090
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.5144629, Longitude: 19.0382616

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    Jesse Anderson


    They are great with kids and super with service! If we are ever in Budapest again we will make this place a priority! The wide variety of food leave even the picky eaters with nothing to complain about. Awesome!

  • en

    Cat S


    Food was good. Some freshly cooked to order as well as buffet style. They brought wine as ordered but didn't have feeling of people getting as drunk as possibly. Still felt like a resteraunt. Good way to try hungarian food as well as other options. Only issue, I was rather disturbed to find sharks fin as an option. If they could take that off there would still be so much choice it would not be missed and I would then rate it the full 5 stars

  • Tolani Tolani

    Tolani Tolani


    It a good place to eat with very wide ranges of choices. I went in a party of six and was sitted downstairs. That meant we had to come upstairs to choose our meat, fish, prawns etc for cooking. Even though it's an all you can eat I was told that I can only have 3 prawns when I requested more. To my surprised someone was served more than 3 and a lady questioned the man who then reverted his decision. I also noticed that upstairs had more varieties of good. Some drinks were included in the fees. Service could be better

  • Péter Viktor Wagner

    Péter Viktor Wagner


    The restaurant developed a lot in the last decade, the cheap solutions all disappeared. The cuisine became good, the foods are great, the staff is nice and helpful. The only all-you-can-eat-and-drink option I really can offer in the city at the moment. They have traditional food as well, but also offers things what can count as exotic here. They have diabetic dessert options, too. 😊☕️🍵🥤🥃🍷🍻🍺🥄🍴🍽🥣🍰🍢🍡🍤🍲🍛🥘🥗🍖🍗🥞🥓🥩🧀🥨🥖🍞🥐🥒🍌🍎🍇🍐🐙🦑🦐🦀🐪🐖🐏🦆👽🙏🏼

  • Han Nguyen

    Han Nguyen


    Nice little buffet joint popular with the locals. Came here on the weekend before Christmas and it was comfortably full. Good selection of local main dishes like veal or venison goulash and stuffed cabbage! There was also a separate seafood grill bar. Service is attentive and friendly! Some items are on the salty side. Desserts and appetizers are average. Selection is not that that wide.

legközelebbi Étterem

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