The House of Houdini i Budapest

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UngarnThe House of Houdini



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11, Dísz tér, 1014, Budapest, HU Magyarország
kontakter telefon: +36 1 951 8066
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Latitude: 47.499424, Longitude: 19.034996

kommentar 5

  • yurinka B

    yurinka B


    Highly recommend! We had such a good time. lovely tour through houdini's life. and in the end a funny magic show by a talented magician.

  • en

    Sophie Ray


    Great little museum and we learnt a lot about Houdini that we didn't know before. You could tell that the guides were very knowledgeable and passionate about Houdini. It is a small museum which I would say is it's only downside. The magic show was entertaining but would have benefited from having more of an audience.

  • en

    Alex Rogers


    Would've given it a 5 if it wasn't for the uncomfortable average magic show at the end. The "magician" with glasses on picked my wife to go on stage, told her to take her jacket off for no reason, asked her to turn her back to the audience, checked out her arse and gave me a thumbs up. There wasn't any need for her to be turned around anyway. Defo one for the kids as his slight of hand wasn't the best, you could see the bent card so obviously in the pack and the gap in the rings when he flipped his hand up. Real shame as the lady's tour was excellent.

  • Kali Somodi

    Kali Somodi


    Nem egy nagy kiállító termű múzeum, de meg van töltve tartalommal. Ha betekintést szeretnél a régi bűvész világba Houdini életén keresztül, ott a helyed! If you looking for a light activity in castle district, with live magic show and a exibition of the live of Houdini. Which is only of kind in europe(yet). Suitable for children also.

  • Gábor Jancsó

    Gábor Jancsó


    Megéri bemenni. Nagyon érdekes és szórakoztató.

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