The Box (Box) Ruin Pubs -

MagyarországThe Box (Box) Ruin Pubs



🕗 Nyitva tartás

10, Klauzál utca, 1072, Budapest, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 20 449 4801
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.4977208, Longitude: 19.0667571

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    Kunio Sato


    One of the worst experiences: 1. Deceiving staff. Make sure how much you give and how much you receive. 2. Repetiton of cheesy dance hits 3. A way too selfish people

  • en

    BJ K


    Total scam. Charge you cover then kick you out for no reason. I was dancing with a girl I know then suddenly some extremly agressive bouncer/security guy appeared grabbing me and pulling my arm behind my back then pushing me out of the venue without saying a single word. Maybe he felt cool cause I probably been the tallest guy in the venue or he simply missunderstood the situation as I was dancing close with this girl (who I did know) what however was appreciated by her. Since he pulled my arm behind my back extremly agressivly I have pain in my shoulder now. If this doesn't get better I might consider to even sue the venue and the dumb guy who did this. I actually been in this bar many times before also dancing with girls sometimes. In my whole life I never ever had a similiar experience. It seems this bouncers are new there and kick people out for fun or if they don't like them for some reason. For me however it's over and I will obviously never go there again and I strongly recommend to anybody to do the same. There are defintly better bars/clubs in Budapest without agressive/criminal security staff.

  • Edgar Beristain

    Edgar Beristain


    Wonderful place with a huge Kong in the middle of the yard. Great music and cozy rooms.

  • Lana Wolmarans

    Lana Wolmarans


    Awesome decor with lots of place to sit and a good dance floor. They have good cocktails too.

  • en

    Sándor Szinetár


    We arrived in a big group and the staff and the manager treated us very friendly. In addition I lost my cell phone there and next day when I called them they told me they had found it. I enjoyed the party as well so I had only nice experiences there. Thanks again for finding my phone.

legközelebbi Szórakozóhely

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