Tesco Express -

MagyarországTesco Express



🕗 Nyitva tartás

55, Teréz körút, 1062, Budapest, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 20 827 0000
weboldal: tesco.hu
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.5096496, Longitude: 19.0580279

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    Kovács Edit


    Appalling customer service. My elderly American friend asked the cashier to help him put the goods in a plastic bag but he refused it saying it's not his job. I asked him in Hungarian too but he still refused it then started making unacceptable comments about me. I am a regular customer at this store but the security guy has never ever said hello or smiled at me. Avoid this store!

  • en

    Balázs Hegyi


    The indicated prices are not always reflect on what is set in their systems. So check your receipt after you paid for your goods. Anyway if you have problem with the prices the staff won't listen but rather start a dispute. According to the TESCO headquarters all the prices are properly maintained in this unit, however this statement is not in line with reality...

  • Béla Perei

    Béla Perei


    Really small store, they only have the basic goods

  • Tóth Márton Áron

    Tóth Márton Áron


    I work nearby and I frequent this place on a weekly basis. I could forgive the occasional mess, the lack of fresh baked goods, the long lines, but the service is so appaling that I just can't look past it. As a Hungarian I've come to expect apathy from cashiers, but what they have here goes beyond that. The workers (except maybe one girl) are outright rude and unfriendly. Also, there's always this dodgy-looking character behind the counter eyeing up customers as they pay, seemingly doing nothing. Maybe the store manager? I only give two stars for the convenince, as it literally takes me only 30 seconds to walk down here from work. Avoid if you can.

  • Fergus Bennie

    Fergus Bennie


    This place is convenient and the prices are good. I just wish the staff were a little more friendly. However the surliness of staff appears to be the norm in most of the convenience stores I have visited in Budapest.

legközelebbi Élelmiszerbolt vagy szupermarket

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