Tesco Balatonfüred Hipermarket -

MagyarországTesco Balatonfüred Hipermarket



🕗 Nyitva tartás

55, Széchenyi István utca, 8230, Balatonfüred, HU Ungarn
érintkezés telefon: +36 20 821 1311
weboldal: tesco.hu
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 46.9479934, Longitude: 17.8770632

hozzászólások 5

  • Mariusz Furgal

    Mariusz Furgal


    Niespecjalnie, zwłaszcza jeśli chodzi o świeże owoce i warzywa. Nie było pomidorów i papryki, z owoców nadających się do jedzenia były tylko jabłka.

  • Eva Waanders

    Eva Waanders


    When I used the ATM in this hypermarket, the money I should have received didn't come out of the machine. After multiple attempts calling the info centre of the bank I still couldn't reach anyone. In the meantime the staff of the Tesco didn't want to help me. They also didn't want to put a sign on the ATM that it was out of order, therefore I had to tell several groups of people not to use it, because I didn't want them to have the same problem as me. After a long time I could talk to the service staff, but he only told me to call the service number of the bank and that it wasn't his problem. I tried to call this bank more than 10 times but couldn't get through. The info I got at this number also was only spoken in Hungarian. After almost two hours there was one member of the staff that helped me by calling with the bank on his own cellphone. I was very grateful for his help, because I was devastated by the money I lost (it was reserved from my bank account). I find it very unprofessional to not take responsibility of taking care of a customer, when you have a customer using the ATM in front of your hypermarket.

  • da

    Johnny Pedersen


    Fin indkøbssted. Sløv betjening.

  • Mikkel Bendix

    Mikkel Bendix


    Godt sted. Savner dog nemmere måde at komme der ind på.

  • Linda Lautrup

    Linda Lautrup


    rigtig skønt sted at shoppe de har stortset alt til billige penge, man føler sig rig, når man handler der.

legközelebbi Szupermarket

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