Taste Hungary -

MagyarországTaste Hungary



🕗 Nyitva tartás

9, Bródy Sándor utca, 1088, Budapest, HU Ungarn
érintkezés telefon: +36 30 690 4913
weboldal: tastehungary.com
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.4925232, Longitude: 19.0651289

hozzászólások 5

  • Daniel Sági Kiss

    Daniel Sági Kiss


    Wine tasting, beer tasting, gastro tours in Budapest and around in Hungary, a perfect place to find an amazing culinary adventure.

  • Robert Theuer

    Robert Theuer


    Preis / Leistung passt überhaupt nicht. Wenig Stationen das Essen sehr dürftig! Aber sehr netter Guide

  • Shauna Freese

    Shauna Freese


    This good walk was the best I've ever done! Culture, history, and food. Definitely come hungry as you'll want room to spare. So delicious! We also got great tips for restaurants and attractions for rest of the trip. Angela was amazing!!!

  • Sam Salek

    Sam Salek


    After reading positive reviews and amongst many other tours we decided to go for Buda Food Walk with Taste Hungry. Spending a day in Budapest quickly revealed to us that $90(tour fee) is a lot of money there and we expected a lot of food on the tour. The tour started in family ran cafe, one of the oldest in the city, to have breakfast. Instead of eating traditional Hungarian breakfast or pastries we had some cakes and very generic things you can find in any cafe! but nevertheless they were all nice and delicious, Next we moved to a market hall where the tour guide provided some very basic information bordering useless for half an hour and then she took us to have some shots(palinka)! It was still early and we were all surprised but heck! it's a food tour and up to that point we still trusted our guide. Next we walked around the market a bit more hoping to be able taste some of the stuff but that wasn't the plan. Eventually we tried very small slices of meat which was nice but laughing little for the group accompanied by a traditional savoury pancake, just one for 4 people. Underwhelmed by how the tour was progressing we found ourselves in a communist era coffee shop after a long walk where we had more drinks that did not feel right considering how little we had to eat up to this point and most people didn't finish theirs. Some interesting information was provided in the meantime but the group was getting tired and hungry! Next stop was a "grandma" style kitchen to taste some home cooked meal. Turned out this was not actually an old & authentic place but an imitation of one. The food was above average but the place was so hot that we lost appetite fairy quickly. The final stop was a bathhouse to drink some mineral water apparently with some healing substances. Overall we all felt this was poorly planned. The order of drink and food, the small portions and the expensive fee ( with $90 you could stuff yourself to death for two!) all added to a pretty bad experience and feeling being ripped off. The tour guide while a nice person was not up to the task and if we could get a refund we would! I would strongly recommend against booking this tour and just go walk around yourself and try the food in this beautiful city to have a far better time and spend much less!

  • emily geiger

    emily geiger


    This was easily one of my favorite things I did during my trip to Budapest. The tour guide was great and it was an awesome way to learn about the city. Food was excellent along the walk. Would highly suggest for anyone visiting the city !

legközelebbi Italbolt

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