Stag Republic -

MagyarországStag Republic



🕗 Nyitva tartás

10, Kék Golyó utca, 1123, Budapest, HU Magyarország
érintkezés telefon: +36 1 336 1895
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.500645, Longitude: 19.02291

hozzászólások 5

  • Colin Rowe

    Colin Rowe


    Can't recommend enough. Accommodation was great and all problems (which were largely of our causing) were sorted out quickly. Tour guides were fantastic and it just makes everything so much easier when you have people who know the area. Big thanks to everyone including Tirzah, Marta and Evelin.

  • Anna Bunyevácz

    Anna Bunyevácz


  • Neil Hodgson

    Neil Hodgson


    All I can say is "wow!" What a stag do. Everyone had such a great time that they said it was the best do they have ever been on by far. From the moment we landed and were greeted by the beautiful Agnes and Henrietta (with a box of beers for the minibus of course) to chilling out in the wonderful Szchesney Spa on the last day, everyone was having a great time. Budapest is a fantastic city by day and by night, with great culture, friendly locals and beautiful architecture. The local ladies are beautiful and really friendly, as are all the locals - bar staff, waiters and even bouncers! The riverboat cruise was ridiculously good, with my mates shocked at how awesome it was (and the stripper was a great laugh). A special thank you to our two guides Agnes (Agi) and Henrietta who were not only beautiful but also two of the friendliest, fun loving and genuine people you could hope to meet. They steered us in the right direction for the whole weekend and showed us a great time, whilst also managing to organise 14 mostly-drunk lads! Agi and Hen, thanks from Colin (stag) and all the boys. Cheers Neil

  • en

    Egy Google-felhasználó


    We had a great weekend at end of Jan. We had a big group with lots of activities. The guides were perfect - thanks Gabriella and Kitti. The beers were cheap in Budapest, well under 2 quid. All in all I highly recommend Stag Republic. Planning Krakow next for my birthday.

  • en

    Egy Google-felhasználó


    These stag weekend organizers are great – they look after you, give you great advice and definitely make sure you get exactly what you want out of your stag do. I have been 3 times now, once as a stag and another 2 times on friend’s stag parties. Stag Republic really do make sure you get value for money. Thanks guys...

legközelebbi Utazási iroda

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