Robinson -




🕗 Nyitva tartás

Városligeti Tó, 1146, Budapest, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 1 422 0222
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.516939, Longitude: 19.078145

hozzászólások 5

  • Rezso Szabo

    Rezso Szabo


    Don’t bother, rude staff. Family of five, We were standing at the entrance waiting for a table. They kept seating new arrivals without a reservation. After asking the staff for the reason, its apparent they simply forgot about us. No apologies offered. Will not bother them again.

  • Daniela Calderon

    Daniela Calderon


    The food is really good, the service could be better. This is an expensive restaurant but the food is worth the price. Really nice views, perfect place for a date.

  • Emilia Fournier

    Emilia Fournier


    I was disappointed because we hadn’t the table I reserved before coming. I asked to be near the lake and we finally ended up next to the door. However the food was delicious and traditional.

  • Frederic Lennerts

    Frederic Lennerts


    Great restaurant with nice views on the pound. A bit more expensive than the average. Better to go in the evening for the scenery...

  • Brian Jetter

    Brian Jetter


    Definitely come for a great meal, and dress up for dinner (button up shirt, at least). This is an elegant restaurant, and you may be turned aside if you don't look the part or are looking for a quick snack. If you do take the time to fit the ambiance, though, the goulash is exquisite and the atmosphere excellent. 15% service charge added to the price!

legközelebbi Étterem

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