Restaurant in the Four hermit -

MagyarországRestaurant in the Four hermit



🕗 Nyitva tartás

78, Majki utca, 2840, Oroszlány, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 34 364 511
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.498883, Longitude: 18.339112

hozzászólások 5

  • Tomasz Kuc

    Tomasz Kuc


    Food (Castle plate for two) was nothing special. Good wine. Service didn't speak English well enough and we had to repeat our order after 15 minutes (we asked for recommendations and the guy understood we wouldn't be ordering anything) 😂

  • en

    nesztelen csiga


    Perfect location, helpful staff, meticulous (if a little overdone) presentation, perfectly prepared food, family friendly, a little expensive but worth the price.

  • en

    David padilla Montiel


    The service was to bad, they attended first another people, I will never back.

  • en

    Alex Zr


    Nothing better than walking around beautiful lake on a sunny day and filling your lungs with fresh countryside air. It seemed that nothing could destroy this bucolic and beautiful day. However, if you are visiting the monastery nearby it is a bad moment for getting hungry. We have decided to go to this restaurant and very sincerely the food that we ordered was pretty good but also nothing outstanding. However, a waitress was extremely rude. I asked her whether she could cover the table and she answered: "No!". I asked her why and she did not even answer but just ignored me. Moreover, I would advise you to take care of prices because those are lower in the menu but increased in the bill; well, in this very case these were only 200FT but nonetheless overall it was quite a negative experience.

  • István Donkó

    István Donkó


    Delicious food with a great atmosphere and surrounding! :)

legközelebbi Étterem

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