Platán Restaurant & Café -

MagyarországPlatán Restaurant & Café



🕗 Nyitva tartás

6, Kastély tér, 2890, Tata, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 34 380 564
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.647739, Longitude: 18.318436

hozzászólások 5

  • Yoav B.

    Yoav B.


    This was the best place in which I had dinner in all of Hungary. Definitely recommended.

  • en

    Y Lozano


    Amazing spot. We were just walking by and decided to stop for lunch. What a great experience. The plates are gorgeous and delicious. We had the beef dish and the special chocolate dessert. Each were well prepared and so flavorful. We had local sparkling wine and dessert wine. They were both very good and went down too smoothly. Highly recommend this place.

  • en

    Zoltan Kiss


    High end fine dining restaurant with excellent service at a very reasonable price. It is a great place to be adventurous and try something else outside of a usual restaurant dish. The desserts are also brilliant, also sugar dairy free alternatives are available. Great lakeside setting and old castle park nearby. Be aware that reservation is strongly recommended as the place is usually full.

  • Csaba Solya

    Csaba Solya


    Stunning experience! Nice staff, excellent food, beautiful place. Reservation is recommended.

  • en

    A. V.


    The waiter was rather rude. We wanted to have some meal outside and was told we could only eat inside. Though the couple next to us was served and had some starters. We ordered drinks instead. I wanted to have some hot chocolate. The answer was they only serve hot drinks as it is autumn. HOT chocolate is not hot enough it seems. The problem was rather with the style of the waiter and not the policy though this place is overpriced.

legközelebbi Étterem

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