Pékery -




🕗 Nyitva tartás

11, Sas utca, 1051, Budapest, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36
weboldal: www.facebook.com
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.5003183, Longitude: 19.0522301

hozzászólások 5

  • Michael Bendixen

    Michael Bendixen


    Why not try a tasting menu of small dishes paired with gelato (paprika or pesto ice cream)!! Wonderful rose shaped gelato and small bistro dishes and good service. Recommended! 👍😊

  • Charlene P

    Charlene P


    Best kept little secret: you can get the famous 'gelarto rosa' here! Do yourself the favor and come here especially if you want to skip the long lines at the other Gelarto Rosa store on the other side of the building. The prices are the same, and the tastes are very similar. The build the flower gelarto inside out, from the centre to the periphery, so choose your favorite flavor first!

  • Rafael Cambero

    Rafael Cambero


    The place is simply delicious. The staff is so kind, friendly and helpful. They have a spectacular crepes with nutella. We will repeat again!!

  • Mario Bareither

    Mario Bareither


    Friendly and helpful staff, huge selection of shakes, lemonades and other beverages

  • Götz Bürkle

    Götz Bürkle


    Pékery is an incredibly beautiful and nice bakery at one of the most central squares in Budapest. A little bakery called Pékery is located on the big square in front of the Szent istván Bazilika right in the city centre of Budapest. When I was leaving, I saw that they were baking fresh croissants in the oven at the back of the open kitchen. At such a prime location, where masses of tourists walk past all the time, I was surprised to see the shop empty. Perhaps it was because they do not have outdoor seating. It was a very sunny day, and most people would probably prefer to sit outside. This little shop is gorgeous, clearly designed by someone with an eye for details and aesthetics. Also, the staff are lovely and friendly. From the counter, it seems they are into healthy food with drinks like cold-pressed juices. Now, I am not the biggest fan of the strange flavour combinations you get with trendy cold-pressed juices at the moment, but it seems to be a thing right now, so it might not be a bad idea for them to go with it. I also had a chocolate and berry cake which was nice, even though not the best cake I ever had. The open kitchen creates a really homely and nice atmosphere. The design is classy and modern at the same time. Unfortunately, for some reason I still was the only customer in the shop. I did not quite understand how a place can be so nice but still being ignored by everyone. Having a closer look, I could perhaps areas for improvement. For example, a list of the juices would be helpful. Or offering me a glass would also be nice. And of course adding some tables and chairs outside to allow people enjoying the delicious food and drinks in the sun would also be great. I am a bit baffled by the fact that they are not busier. They should be. I like the shop and do see huge potential in this place, it just has not yet been realised. I hope they improve their operations to draw more people into the shop and make Pékery a big success. When I visit Budapest again, I will surely pop in for a little snack.

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