Nótafa Vendéglő -

MagyarországNótafa Vendéglő



🕗 Nyitva tartás

37, Ady Endre út, 1196, Budapest, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 1 282 9849
weboldal: notafavendeglo.hu
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.4552141, Longitude: 19.1387592

hozzászólások 5

  • Ákos Szilágyi

    Ákos Szilágyi


    One of my favorite traditional hungarian-style places to eat in Budapest. Very large portions for an affordable price. Please note only cash is accepted.

  • en

    Mark Kemper


    This is a very good local place with a lovely, laid - back atmosphere. They have English menus available and my waiter was adequately conversant such that ordering was not an issue. The dining room is somewhat modest in size but well kept and presents as a traditional Hungarian eatery. Based on my visit, their business appears to be robust. Located where they are in a more residential, workaday part of Budapest, it is not surprising that the crowd appeared to be mostly locals. I was seated right away when I walked in. My server attended to me quickly and did a stellar job while I was there. The menu offered several tempting choices. I started with the traditional mushroom soup with a dab of cream mixed in. For my main, I had the turkey cutlets with a wild blueberry gravy. Everything was quite delicious. The portions for the soup and the main were both more than adequate. I finished with a double espresso that was not the highlight of the evening but, given the delicious fare and good service, I can overlook that. With sparkling water to drink, my total including tip was 5000 Ft. That was roughly $20 USD at the time, which was a reasonable deal by my accounting. My overall experience was quite good and I would not hesitate to recommend this place. If you stay at the Ibis as I did, it is slightly over a 1 km walk. That was reasonably convenient for me.

  • en

    Xia Jianjun


    Fish soup is recommended. Big portion in general.

  • Csaba Szokoly

    Csaba Szokoly


    The fisherman's soup is the best in the country, here.

  • en

    Mario Anonymer


    Good food - Great portions - Friendly personal

legközelebbi Étterem

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