Nelson Étterem -

MagyarországNelson Étterem



🕗 Nyitva tartás

5, Hősök tere, 4200, Hajdúszoboszló, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 52 270 226
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.4436679, Longitude: 21.3905602

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    Marcela Poienariuf c xse


    Very tasty food, everything clean, nice personal.

  • Robert Munteanu

    Robert Munteanu


    Great place, the food was excellent, they also serve vegetarian dishes. I strongly recommand this restaurant!

  • en

    judit szakáczki


    The only reason why it is a 2 star for me and not 1 is because the food was good (say 4 star out of the 5), but the service is proper 0. The attitude of our waiter (which is at least as important as the food) was well bellow acceptable, all through the night it felt we were asking a favour from him. We were being rushed to order this is how it all started, then following the instructions on the menu, saying to choose our desserts from the cake part of the restaurant, we did so but when asked for some clarification from our waiter whether we have to select the order there and tell the waiter later ooor we have to grab our desserts from there only the reply was a proper order: "go back to your table, i will come".....????!!!! (this is when i decided that i am not gonna tip him), then when asked for a bottle of water (oh yeah...because here they "do not have" -literally, as i was told- tap water) it took him at least 20 min to complete the order, whereas his part of the restaurant was not busy at all. Oh, then comes the paying part where there is no option of not leaving tip behind, they obviously call it as "service charge." As so they tell me how much i need to tip them. So i paid 25thousand huf for the food and all and was told i have to give 3thousand something huf as service charge. Ridiculous! Especially as they will get their tip anyhow, they only do so much. Well, i am writing this review to say that i am sorry to say that i do NOT recommend this place, should you wish to be in a welcoming and friendly environment - oh, and for us: no more family dinner here for sure. (P.s i love to praise restaurants and their service but in this occasion it is just the opposit- and sorry for the lengthy monologue.)

  • Wojciech Trzciński

    Wojciech Trzciński


    Nice place in the heart of Hajduszoboszlo If you’re looking for a place to spend an evening in a nice atmosphere, visit Nelson’s. We had a fish (plate for two) and it was good. The waiter was nice, what left us astonished especially after having to bear different moods of Hungarian waiters and bartenders from Tokaj, Eger and Budapest.

  • Tomasz Morawski

    Tomasz Morawski


    The dinner was absolutny Perfect! Heaven in mouth!!!

legközelebbi Étterem

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