Musical Café -

MagyarországMusical Café


nincs információ

🕗 Nyitva tartás

36, Ó utca, 1066, Budapest, HU Ungarn
érintkezés telefon: +36 20 499 2202
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.5049131, Longitude: 19.0591027

hozzászólások 5

  • Wilk Elektronik

    Wilk Elektronik


    Don’t you ever go there, especially with two girls! In my case both were supposedly from Sweden - one taller blonde and one short Indian. The Indian one supposed to have a birthday. And cash withdrawal from ATM... I réalisés how much I spent when I wanted to take cab back to the hotel.

  • BuddyTravelr



    I was approached by two girls asking for directions to this bar in front of Intercontinental Hotel on the esplanade. I said I wasn’t from here but she said her battery was low and had reservation at the cafe and asked me to help look it up. I became suspicious (I’m an experienced world traveler) and held my pockets tighter while I mapped it. Also making sure one wasn’t standing behind me etc. Cafe was 20 mins walk from our location. I knew something was wrong immediately and wished them luck and walked away. Hours later, I was thinking about the odd experience, opened up G-map, and finally read the review here. Yup scammers confirmed. They do the same thing in Istanbul at Taksim Square FYI. The operators there are waaay more smooth.

  • en

    Afraz Qureshi


    Do not go there. Its true. They scam using two girls who pretend to be lost . Invite cause it's a bday and screw you over.

  • Cecilia P

    Cecilia P


    If i could give this place a negative rating I would. This hole of a place is linked to 2 girls who are "supposed lost tourists" on the street that ask for directions, invite you to eat/drink and ultimately try to scam innocent tourists out of as much money as possible. They insist you pay for drinks, shove a hefty bill in your face and lead/threaten you to an ATM to withdraw as much money as possible. Management must be incredibly horrid people with no morals whatsoever - not sure how this place hasn't been closed down already.

  • Lindsay Trenton

    Lindsay Trenton


    Great if you don't enjoy having money in your bank account. It's just used to scam confused tourists and force them to withdraw as much money out of their bank account as possible. Be careful.

legközelebbi Kávézó

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