Museum of Ethnography -

MagyarországMuseum of Ethnography



🕗 Nyitva tartás

12, Kossuth Lajos tér, 1055, Budapest, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 1 473 2400
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.5078749, Longitude: 19.0483552

hozzászólások 5

  • Anna Gaspar

    Anna Gaspar


    To whom is interested on really explore a nation's soul, it is recommended to see that nations traditions, their memories that materialises in every day use objects - these objects preserve meaningful decorations

  • en

    Sean Davies


    Nice building an old court house but I didn't feel like I learnt a lot about Hungary's ethnography. Some amazing shoes on display if you are into that sort of thing. In my opinion its best to spend your Forint on a tour of the Hungarian Parliament building across the square. The ticket officer was multilingual and spoke German, Dutch as well as English.

  • Diego Terzi

    Diego Terzi


    I have been in this beautiful historical building during an event for children with workshops and live music. The permanent collection is very interesting if you like this kind of history, anyway it could be a good place to visit for everyone.

  • Tom Savagar

    Tom Savagar


    Disappointed with the the museum. It was recommended in our guide book but did not find it engaging. Only spent about twenty minutes inside.

  • en

    Gerald Riemer


    We ended up here while waiting for our Parliament tour to start and were pleasantly surprised by this little museum across the plaza from Parliament. There is a permanent exhibit upstairs and an exhibit of world press photography on the mail level. (the press photos were spectacular btw!! ) Plus this is a beautiful building! The permanent exhibit was all about rural Hungarian culture over the years with extensive photography of peasant life at the turn of the last century. My grandparents left Eastern Europe in 1921 and it was interesting to see photography of how they might have lived before they came to the states. This was well worth the 90 minutes we spent here

legközelebbi Múzeum

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