Morrison's 2. -

MagyarországMorrison's 2.



🕗 Nyitva tartás

11, Szent István körút, 1055, Budapest, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 1 374 3329
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.5121843, Longitude: 19.0503161

hozzászólások 5

  • Amin Yasheed

    Amin Yasheed


    The place looks good and the prices are reasonable. I really liked the different stages for different music genres. 4 stars!

  • Estee Lavinen

    Estee Lavinen


    + Me and my boyfriend had a great time here. My cocktail was delicious, I did not find the prices too high (card accepted). The staff was friendly. A lot of security-guys. - Only 3 dancefloors were open inclusive the karaoke and it was a Saturday.

  • P Kaitz

    P Kaitz


    The Hungarian guys are so lucky. They're gorgeous and the coeds flock out of the clubs to go home with them.

  • David Garcia

    David Garcia


    The place is ok, good music, usually crowded, drinks are priced fairly. TL;DR: ***bring cash*** yeah this is one of "those" places. Here's the thing, and it's pretty dumb to be honest. They won't accept credit cards for purchases lower than 1,000ft, which wouldn't be an issue if they had an ATM inside the club, but they don't... And they charge a cover fee for entrance. So, Yeah, unless you want to drink expensive cocktails, buy two beers and drink one of them warm, or share expenses with someone reliable (assuming you arrive with friends that want to get wasted) you won't be able to buy anything at all. Lame rules if you ask me. Call me a cheap guy if you want, but it's not about the money... Why would you do such stupid thing to put a minimum charge on C.C? I'd rather buy nothing then and enjoy the music, that simple.

  • Tenzin Chonjor

    Tenzin Chonjor


    This place is energetic with full of young people... I loved this place. I was in Budapest for few days did not know much about the city itself, a friend of ours recommended us to visit this place for beer and luckily it turned out to be the best place to hangout, beer was cheap staffs were friendly and people there were receptive to Asian tourists like us....if I ever visit Budapest it will be because of Morrison's 2....

legközelebbi Szórakozóhely

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