Memento Park -

MagyarországMemento Park



🕗 Nyitva tartás

Balatoni út - Szabadkai utca sarok, 1223, Budapest, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 1 424 7500
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.4263652, Longitude: 18.9989299

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    Nafnlaus Einstaklingur


    Maybe, if they bring communism back to Hungary, they'll be able to prosecute their anti-Semites and racists into silence again, just like they used to. But yeah, this is a cool park with cool monuments from the socialist era! Check it out, if you've got the time!

  • Mitchell Hymowitz

    Mitchell Hymowitz


    Underwhelming and underpopulated but not unimportant. A nice place to go to get away from all your fellow tourists and explore the sub-suburbs. Easy public transport. You don’t need to take their dedicated bus.

  • David Hand

    David Hand


    It's fun to see and the training movies used for new secret police agents are priceless. The horrible communist statues are what you would think. The shop sells a guide that explains about each statue, where it was located in Budapest, and when it was taken down. This makes the statues make more sense. Otherwise they are just comical looking statues. I'm giving three stars as I would have liked to have seen more statues and more explanations at each statue. If you have time to come see this park, absolutely do. If it's a choice between this and something with more cultural significance like the National Museum, go see the museum.

  • Cameron Gillie

    Cameron Gillie


    Kind of an interesting, quierky, historical place. Being I'm a photographer it was fun to visit. It is pretty far out of town, so it's debatable if it's worth the trip. If you are only spending a few days in Budapest I'm not sure it would be worth it. I enjoyed it. Taking the train and bus out there is a small adventure. It was interesting to see the outskirts of Budapest. If you have the time I'd say take the trip.

  • en

    Bethany Stephens


    We visited on a cold, rainy January day which made it a little hard to spend too long examining the statues, but a very interesting place nonetheless. The preservation of these statues is an interesting approach to the country's communist past. I'd advise visiting the museum first and then walk the park as there isn't much clear infor on the statues (especially if it's cold as the building isn't heated so if you go in cold you won't linger long!) But definitely worth seeing. Some of the statues are hugely powerful and all tell a story unique to Hungary.

legközelebbi Park

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