Meander Hostel -

MagyarországMeander Hostel



🕗 Nyitva tartás

37, Ó utca, 1066, Budapest, HU Magyarország
érintkezés telefon: +36 70 410 6561
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.5048674, Longitude: 19.0596415

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    Sophie Edwards


    Amazing hostel, everyone is so welcoming. Locky was very nice when arriving and made our stay great. Will definitely be coming back again! 10/10!

  • en

    Manel Chan


    I don’t know how this hostel got 9 out of 10 in hostel world. It’s the worst hostel I’ve ever been to . Different backpackers running and cleaning the hostel. The toilet was so dirty they did not have a soap and there was a shampoo there instead the showers were terrible. Someone even stole my food from the fridge:( don’t go there if u want to have good memories from Budapest.

  • Eric K Breiner

    Eric K Breiner


    Had a great stay at Meander! Hosts are friendly and offered to help us wherever we needed it, and had a variety of activities to offer for any number of hostel-stayers during the day or night. Rooms were clean and the location was nice, and towels are free to rent which is great!

  • en

    Francesco Rota


    Location? Not the best, not the worst. Rooms, bathrooms, kitchen and public rooms as dirty as they could get. People staying at the hostel didn't care. The receptionists were good but after 10 pm (if I remember correctly) the reception closes and, even though we were recommended not to make noise after 11, a group of 30+ British girls just went in a room and started screaming and making so much noise. People in the hostel were concerned. People from the upper floors came down at 11pm, midnight and at 4 am (when this group came back from partying) threatening to call the police. Worst hostel ever

  • Tony M

    Tony M


    Stayed here for 4 nights and had a great time. This hostel is in a good location and right down the street from Retox, so while it's not a party hostel, there's always something going on you can get into while at the same time being able to come back and get some decent sleep to do it all again the next day. The staff are all very cool and make an effort to make you feel welcome and included. It's a great atmosphere and so easy to make friends here in the common area or on the various events they run daily. I would only say the number of bathrooms to people seemed a bit low but a minor nitpick. Definitely recommend for solo travelers.

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