Levendula Ice Cream Parlor -

MagyarországLevendula Ice Cream Parlor



🕗 Nyitva tartás

25, Rákóczi út, 1088, Budapest, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36
weboldal: www.levendulafagylaltozo.hu
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.4954106, Longitude: 19.0656136

hozzászólások 5

  • Lewis Tory

    Lewis Tory


    Icecream is very tasty, the decoration is lovely and amazing. I give only 4 because I asked mix portions (the kind in one portion) because I wanted to try many differemt types, but the staff didn't let it, and the girl was not soo kind. But I suggest the place for everyone. Try it!!!!

  • Imre Göröcs

    Imre Göröcs


    Great selection on handmade ice cream. Amazing flavours. Keep up the good work!

  • Debbie Widjaja

    Debbie Widjaja


    I'm obsessed in finding the best ice cream in Europe and this definitely make it to my top three. I love the mint raspberry and chocolate lavender! They are just... perfect. A bliss combination of two things that are ordinary by itself. Aaaaahh now I want to eat it again. Please open a London branch soon!!

  • Colin Forker

    Colin Forker


    Absolutely delicious and healthy ice cream with some interesting flavours (wheat beer of all things). Loved the spit cake, guava and coconut nutella flavours in particular.

  • en

    Christian Vuat


    Ridiculously good ice cream...I just went back for seconds and I'll be back for thirds tomorrow. I actually think it's some of the best ice cream I've ever had, although I haven't been to Italy.. yet. Seriously. The shop is tiny but the selection is perfect..not too many flavours to choose from that it becomes difficult but enough for some amazing variety...albeit lavender heavy. Gorgonzola?! Amazing...chocolate and lavender? Do it...pear, honey and that Hungarian liqueur? Shut up and take my money. It's just a shame the Hungarian scoops are so small, what's up with that?! Oh but hey, it's actually cheaper than most places. Seriously good ice cream.

legközelebbi Bolt

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