Körmendy Elite Barber Shop -

MagyarországKörmendy Elite Barber Shop



🕗 Nyitva tartás

71, Dob utca, 1077, Budapest, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 20 995 2357
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.502264, Longitude: 19.0683029

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    Rob Rees


    Simply the best haircut and shave I have ever had! So meticulous and conscious!! Wonderful experience Highly recommend to all !!👍

  • en

    Bogaert Maxime


    Perfect barber even if he doesn't speak english he is doing exactly the haircut you ask very nice and professional I recommended it strongly

  • en

    alexis georgiades


    Passed by due to overwhelmingly positive reviews but the owner / barber refused serve me. Neither walk-in nor to discuss booking an appointment. Didn't even appear to want to look or smile at me nor to waste more than a few seconds to talk. I didnt fuss then but i feel i should let you guys know there's another side to this guy. Arbitrary decision to ignore me could only have been based upon something discriminative or superstitious - like he didnt like my beard or i reminded him of someone. I don't know. I don't care. Poor service. Luckily, there are plenty of barbers / stylists in town where you can get some respect.

  • Madan Srinivas

    Madan Srinivas


    It is a modest looking barber shop with a single chair, but man, can appearances be deceptive!! I got a haircut, shave, hair wash and a head massage - it took about an hour and the service was one of the best I have had anywhere . To top it all, I just walked in, didn't even have to make an appointment. The owner's first language wasn't English, but I did not have any trouble understanding him or telling him what I wanted. I would strongly recommend this place to anyone in the area looking for a good haircut from an expert barber.

  • Peter Nagy, Jr

    Peter Nagy, Jr


    Great work and my haircut is just the way I like it. The owner, Peter, is very friendly. English is not his first language but he speaks enough to understand what you need. Just show him a photo of the style you want and Peter will match it. There's only one chair here so try to make an appointment. The work is precise and he pays close attention to detail. I took my father-in-law here while they were visiting Budapest and he too was very happy with the whole experience. I highly recommend this place.

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