Kitsune Japán Kávézó -

MagyarországKitsune Japán Kávézó



🕗 Nyitva tartás

24, Telepy utca, 1096, Budapest, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.4792772, Longitude: 19.0836033

hozzászólások 5

  • Judit Tövissy

    Judit Tövissy


    Great place, great food if you like the Japanese kind, anime decor. The only downside is that they are cash-only.

  • Mate Gergely

    Mate Gergely


    Cozy and relaxed place with an anime-heavy deco. They have some mangas and Japanese magazines to read during your stay. They serve a good variety of Japanese drinks and coffee. You can also choose from a small selection of Japanese dishes, part of the menu changes seasonally. They also have outside seating in a beautiful garden area. Unfortunately we had to wait quite long for our food, but I suspect we might've been the first customers of the day. Staff was super friendly and so was the service.

  • Kitti Gyuricza

    Kitti Gyuricza


    A super cafe ... anyone who loves Japanese culture / food /animes... you should visit

  • Vil Poe

    Vil Poe


    Great place. Very cozy, spacious, friendly staff, nice relaxing selection of music to choose from, good food and drinks. The menus aren't in English but the staff speaks English, and they're very welcoming. Prices are very reasonable. There's WiFi, cute Japanese/anime decor, and a Nintendo switch to rent. They have a bar and plenty of seating. Lots of trinkets, Japanese snacks, and merch for sale as well.

  • Tamás Mihályi

    Tamás Mihályi


    Place is for Japan fans with anime series and movies clubs. Food selection is ok, price and portions and Quality is ok. They have japan sake, whiskey and beers for a quite reasonable price. They can prepare tge food for takeaway as well, meanwhile you can drink your beer or whiskey at the bar and have a small talk about Japanese culture with the tender if she has time and the place is not crowded.

legközelebbi Étterem

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