주헝가리 한국대사관 -

Magyarország주헝가리 한국대사관


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109, Andrássy út, 1062, Budapest, HU Węgry
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weboldal: hun.mofa.go.kr
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Latitude: 47.5117416, Longitude: 19.0740252

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    "Lee Young Jun PEN ART" Pen Art(General Remarks) Infinity of lines and dots have symbolism.  Such symbolism is ever changing according to the spirit’s depth.  All works are kaleidoscopic; they are usually composed of indescribable expressions.  Therefore, art’s depth also can be said to be unlimited.  Is pen art’s depth also infinite?  In other words, do the lines and dots flowing from the nib of a pen have an artistic qualification?  In this respect, it is worth thinking deeply.  Pen art begins from an essence of nature’s fundamental values.  From the standpoint of value, or color, a harmony of black and white is essential in nature.  As it is impossible to see any color in darkness, distinguishing color is an essential role of light.  That is why the soul is drawn to light.  Whiteness, or light is a spiritual reflection of the soul while blackness, or darkness is a reality of life on earth.  As the color green is an essential color of vegetation, burnt charcoal is an earthy color that will stay near black.  Blackness is heterogeneous and may be hostile to life.  If blackness belongs to the essence of nature, it also may be said to represent the image of death.  A combination of black and white constitutes degrees of lightness and darkness.  When painting black on a white background, the soul is transported to the white background.  Whiteness comes to life when contrasted with black line and black space.  In this case, soul also may be expressed through the blackness.  Soul may be transported to the black or a combination of white and black, which shed a mysterious merit to the soul or spirit.  Pen arts starts and ends from an essence of nature’s fundamental contrasts.  The primary essence is infinite and eternal while the artistic harmony of black and white can take one’s breath away.  But, this is not possible until a metamorphosis has been realized over many years and spiritual transcendence has occurred.  The transfer of spirit  occurs when one’s life experiences are projected onto the white canvas in harmony with blackness.  That is the true ‘pen art.’                Artist Lee Young Jun

legközelebbi Nagykövetség

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