Istvánffi Veggie Burger -

MagyarországIstvánffi Veggie Burger



🕗 Nyitva tartás

20, Királyi Pál utca, 1053, Budapest, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 70 242 6182
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.4888435, Longitude: 19.0602301

hozzászólások 5

  • Ákos Kún

    Ákos Kún


    The location might not look like much, but the burgers are far from bland! Three options for the patty, great sauces, a decent prices. A must if you're vegetarian/vegan, and a good option if to want to show your friends that there is life beyond eating meat.

  • en

    Kajtar Kinga


    The burgers as well as the fries are amazing, it's not overpriced, the staff is nice and the order gets perpared quite fast😊 Good place to sit down upstairs😊 It's like a vegan Mcdonalds, except way better for you👌 Nagyon finomak a burgerek, jok az arak, kedves a kiszolgalas es gyorsan kesz lesz a rendeles😊

  • en

    Luca Reisz


    I’ve eaten here a few times (so far only single burgers) and they were superb. I just wish the bigger fries and drinks could be ordered with the single burgers but maybe they’re right and I should watch my lines :-D Highly recommended! Hard to find a good veggie burger place and I’m picky as hell.

  • Anna Kaposvári

    Anna Kaposvári


    If you go there and taste their food, you're not only eating something unique and delicious, but you're also accepting their philosophy. They know that animals are fed with harmful medicines: hormones, antibiotics and other chemicals that degrade our health. They're not forcing you to become a vegan, but they offer an option for a healthier take on the typical fast food experience. I recommend checking them out, I'm sure you won't regret it.

  • en

    Georgette Veerhuis


    Have often been disappointed by vegan burgers while eating out (not at home though!), but the burger something fresh with mushroom patty was amazing! Vegan mayo could be a bit better but that's probably also dependent on preference. It's a fast food place, so expect some of its flavours. Fries are 200% better than what Macdonalds serves!

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