Hunor Szálloda -

MagyarországHunor Szálloda


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🕗 Nyitva tartás

40, Pünkösdfürdő utca, 1039, Budapest, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 1 243 0949
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.594747, Longitude: 19.058235

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    Gökçe Melek Yılmaz


    They started renovations by destroying the entire lobby while we were staying in the hotel. Disrespectful as that is the food was good but not many different things were present. Not recommended.

  • Marek Bukal

    Marek Bukal


    If you are a normally employed person, for example in the Penyy market at the cashier, invest to yourself a few cents more and reserve another hotel. This hotel should be renamed to "Humor Hotel" or "Horor Hotel", which was more suited. It depends only to your tolerance. Why? 1. there is no water tap in the shower 2. no soap in the bathroom (we had to buy our own) 3. almost everything in the bathroom is rusty 4. the interior is much worn out and destroyed 5. there is dirt in the whole room and the bathroom 6. the room does not have a refrigerator (or only some rooms and a very small one) 7. in-room air conditioning does not work or remote control is not available 8. the TV in the room is very small and the TV signal is very bad 9. hotel service is rather against customer and absolutely unwilling to help 10 pictures in the room are really fun :-) Empty frames are now in fashion :-) 11. Breakfast as the only one was OK So don't take this hotel. NEVER !!!

  • Alexander Georgiev

    Alexander Georgiev


    Small, dirty rooms. Quality of food is absolutely awful. Don't even think about to stay here.

  • Petar Lenart

    Petar Lenart


    Unfriendly staff, they don't talk English for whatever reason.. rooms are spacious but old, bathrooms are old and dirty, doors are malfunctioning.... It's just fine for one night if you must, but nothing more. Three stars only because of food, great selection and tasty.

  • Andrei Tutunaru

    Andrei Tutunaru


    All the staff knows English. Good food. You may find some problems with doors. But in general it is good.

legközelebbi Szállás

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