Hungarian National Museum -

MagyarországHungarian National Museum



🕗 Nyitva tartás

14-16, Múzeum körút, 1088, Budapest, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 1 338 2122
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.4911983, Longitude: 19.0624765

hozzászólások 5

  • Phil Killoran

    Phil Killoran


    I really enjoyed the exhibits here, a true walk through Hungarian history, the part for Hungary after 1st world war and treaty of trianon, then from 2nd world war onwards is fascinating, i urge everybody to visit and see that.

  • en

    Guy Golan


    Please allow for at least 4 hours if you really want to understand the Hungarian history. The history starts from prehistoric era up until our time. Keep an open mind and remember this an Hungarian museum of history as seen by the Hungarians.

  • Denise



    Great museum to learn about Hungarian history. Very much loved the artifacts in the first part of the exhibition with the foundation of Hungary till 1703. Impressive ivory saddle among others. In the second part of the exhibition I enjoyed Liszt’s piano in a separate room were you could listen to his compositions ... very suggestive. Lots of items from WWII and communist occupation but not much explanation/comments about the country’s leanings. Very little explanation about modern Hungary and its 3rd republic since 1989. Don’t miss King Stephen coronation mantle made in 1031 made of Byzantine silk and gold thread. You have to ask as it is locked in a separate room. The coronation crown can be found at the parliament. Grounds under refurbishment.

  • maya wagle

    maya wagle


    Beautiful murals, helpful staff and wifi in the museum. Great collection of artifacts in Hungarian history- armors, structures and all. Easy to get to and is only a couple of stops away from the Great Market. Take tram 47 or 49 to the Great Market. They also take you across the bridge to the Citadel.

  • TANDA.trips



    If you have to visit one museum in Budapest this should be the one you select. They have an outstanding collection of cultural artefacts including clothing, photographs, paintings, furniture and farming tools. It’s one of the most diverse collections in any Budapest museum. While the admission might seem steep, the funds support this national treasure and the rich culture of this country can live on through education. If you are feeling cheap and plan your visit accordingly, admission is FREE on select national holidays. On these free days, there will be huge lines and large attendance so prepared for a crowded visit or arrive later in the day when it gets more quiet. On an average visit it can easily take around 2 hours if you are interested in seeing all the exhibits and getting your monies worth.

legközelebbi Múzeum

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