hotel Palatinus -

Magyarországhotel Palatinus


nincs információ

🕗 Nyitva tartás

23, Új utca, 9400, Sopron, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 99 523 816
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.6841557, Longitude: 16.5904391

hozzászólások 5

  • Patrícia Procházková

    Patrícia Procházková


    Very nice place, in the city centre, would come again :-)

  • Eleonóra S.

    Eleonóra S.


    I was quite satisfied with the service, the receptionists were friendly . Nice, comfortable and clean bedrooms and bathroom. I also booked breakfast, it was delicious. I would recommend it as an accommodation. Nettes Personal, bequemes Zimmer, leckeres Frühstück. ich empfehle Palatinus Hotel gerne weiter.

  • Erik Kovács

    Erik Kovács



  • Anthony Constable

    Anthony Constable


    A two night getaway in Sopron was enjoyed despite this hotel. 1) Room ready three hours late 2) Worst mattress I have ever slept on. When discussed with staff I was told that, yes they knew there was a problem and that all the rooms had beds in such a terrible state. In addition that the manager had promised that the hotel would buy new ones 'next month'. 3) Some of the above may have been a lie as we could see in other rooms potentially better mattresses. Either way a good night's sleep is NOT guaranteed here. 4) Housekeeping did not make up the room on our second day. These are the key points. Overall there is also a growing sense of neglect and delapidation at this hotel. Breakfast was sub-par and towels etc. were tattered, thin and old. If you are considering other options heed my warning and go elsewhere. I don't normally leave such negative reviews but this was easily the laziest attempt at a hotel that I have ever been to. To balance things... It was cheap and I can clearly see that with better management and some investment this hotel could be exceptional.

  • en

    Sinisha Djukic


    A bit dated, but some rooms have been renovated and quite ok now. Breakfast not impressive

legközelebbi Szállás

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