Hotel Grand Forest -

MagyarországHotel Grand Forest



🕗 Nyitva tartás

Hétfőnyitott 24 óra
Keddnyitott 24 óra
Szerdanyitott 24 óra
Csütörtöknyitott 24 óra
Pénteknyitott 24 óra
Szombatnyitott 24 óra
Vasárnapnyitott 24 óra
5, Pallagi út, 4032, Debrecen, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 52 410 588
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.550524, Longitude: 21.6308691

hozzászólások 5

  • István Farkas

    István Farkas


    Surviveable time-travel experience to the eighties. The food and general cleanliness is OK, but some features, like the lifts, the ventillation, the taps are pretty old. You may here jungle-like noises from the Zoo nearby, that is actually very cool. The surooundings are way newer than the hotel itself.

  • Justine H.

    Justine H.


    This hotel is very dated and needs some major renovations. The room smelled like sewage the entire time we stayed (1 week), the tap covers in the shower kept falling off, there were dead insects on the floor when we checked in and they stayed there the entire time: the room was not cleaned for a week including the sheets. Bathroom towels were dirty, some were completely ripped, balcony was dirty and, cherry on top of the cake, the staff was incredibly rude except for the lovely ladies in the morning. As for the restaurant food, most was fried, bland and offered close to no vegetables. Needless to say I will never stay there again. Do yourself a favour and go to the Aquaticum.

  • Tibor Weigand

    Tibor Weigand


    Old communist-time building w/o elevator, but with thermal bath and good service

  • István Vörös

    István Vörös


    Comfortable, tidy and clean rooms. However a whole renewal would be necessary after all these years. The dishes in the all-you-can-eat restaurant are tasty, recommend it while you rest here.

  • Bernd Leutner

    Bernd Leutner


    A good hotel ......40 years ago. Ugly, old , moldy Never again!!!

legközelebbi Szállás

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