Hotel Gloria Budapest City Center * * * -

MagyarországHotel Gloria Budapest City Center * * *



🕗 Nyitva tartás

Hétfőnyitott 24 óra
Keddnyitott 24 óra
Szerdanyitott 24 óra
Csütörtöknyitott 24 óra
Pénteknyitott 24 óra
Szombatnyitott 24 óra
Vasárnapnyitott 24 óra
22, Bláthy Ottó utca, 1089, Budapest, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 70 948 8575
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.481, Longitude: 19.0981

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    rest less


    Appalling. Avoid like plague. Spiders' web, dusty room, dirty headboard, outdated bathroom. Had to basically ask for toilet paper each evening. Bathroom sink was blocked from hair and stuff. Restaurant was non-functional. Couldn't even provide a soft drink, only tea or coffee. No food was available there. Heater was turned down and radiator was cold when it was sub zero temperatures outside. Heating didn't provide enough warmth even after repeated requests to turn it up. In comparison the radiator in the lobby / at the reception was hot. Had to explain 'special request' for an extra towel (only 1 was provided per person and needed to wash my hair). To sum it up, it wasn't a pleasant stay. Paid £498 for 10 nights for 2 persons. Account was charged 2 months before (!) the stay. Stop lying about free breakfast in replies! We didn't get any! You didn't offer a room change! You also didn't come upstairs to even check the heating! The window was closed - why would we open it when it was already freezing cold in the room?! If you ever libel us again we'll seek legal advice. We didn't argue in the hotel. So stop lying!

  • Mario Gerada

    Mario Gerada


    Excellent personal attention, clean, close to underground station and good value for money.

  • en

    liz molloy


    Lovely quiet room , very convenient for metro and trams , all the staff was very friendly and helpful 😁 great value for money

  • en

    chang kyo lee


    I saw mouse in the room. And the reception lady was too rude. Unfortunately I already booked 7 days. And it was horrible. What? Palinka? What's that? I'm not poor :) And this is 21c not 18c. OMG mouse!!!! Don't upgrade free breakfast, parking and so on. I don't want these upgrade. Please upgrade your service spirit and upgrade your utility.

  • Darya S

    Darya S


    I would not recommend this hotel at all. The reason we stayed in this hotel is because it was part of a travel package. The only positive thing was that the young man and blond lady at the reception were extremely friendly and helpful. Other staff was not hospitable at all. Rooms are not well maintained and cleaned. In fact, cleaning staff only did the bare minimum. They did not clean the sink, toilet or shower, they did not change used glasses. They only changed our towels, which was just one large each. Additionally, my watch disappeared while staying in this hotel. I talked to a different lady at the reception about it and she showed no effort to do anything, and rather made us feel like we're asking too much from her. It does definitely NOT meet 3 stars standards, and I am well aware of the fact that standards vary in different countries. I've been to many places, and even simple hostels offer better hygiene and customer service than this place.

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