Hadik Cafe -

MagyarországHadik Cafe



🕗 Nyitva tartás

36, Bartók Béla út, 1111, Budapest, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 1 279 0290
weboldal: www.hadik.eu
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.4792222, Longitude: 19.0511094

hozzászólások 5

  • Barbicsek B

    Barbicsek B


    Good food, good place...sometimes the staff is interesting...but always funny :)

  • Gyöngyi Mala

    Gyöngyi Mala


    Hadik is a historically important building, its bar was visited by famous 20th century Hungarian authors. The building is kept well, if you get a chance to look around, you will find great photo opportunities. The bar itself serves nice food, let it be something along with your beer or a main course. The price is well set, but the neighbourhood and vibes are priceless.

  • Benjamin Bayl

    Benjamin Bayl


    5 stars for the great lemonades. 1 star for the rude, dismissive, surly service. A smile is free!

  • Steve Nahaj

    Steve Nahaj


    Atmospere is cozy and literary, but this place is sorely lacking in service. My wife waited 30 minutes for her order to arrive. What was it? A basket of bread. We even asked the waiter (twice), "Where is our.. uh.. bread?" When it finally arrived, it was stale. Meanwhile I had already finished my pasta, which left me staring at her uncomfortably. Also... we were annoyed by the music selection, which didn't quite match Hadik's decor. Best described as bubblegum pop. The type of music you'd expect to hear at a teenage girl's birthday party, but not in a brick-walled café on a cloudy Sunday.

  • Dave Mendes da Costa

    Dave Mendes da Costa


    Went here after a soak in the Gellert baths. Very nice atmosphere and good looking with high ceilings and funky paintings on the wall. The food was traditional and delicious (although they also had less traditional offerings like burger and chips) and our waitress helped us choose out the best dishes telling us how what we wanted to order at first was wrong. We loved what we got so happy with the advice. All the wine is Hungarian and we had a very happy time working our way through a bottle of red. Good value too - although coming from London almost everything outside the city seems cheap!

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