Green Etelbar -

MagyarországGreen Etelbar


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🕗 Nyitva tartás

36, Kerepesi út, 1148, Budapest, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.5005926, Longitude: 19.1106763

hozzászólások 5

  • Varga Angika Johanna

    Varga Angika Johanna


    Good 🍕. Nice service.

  • Moldovan Dorin Vasile

    Moldovan Dorin Vasile


    Not even close to 3 stars Hotel.The towels were yellow dirty, the room not very clean, the socket from the fridge was not working--I had to move the frige to another one to make it function.The hair drier not functioning at all.

  • Lukáš Strašík

    Lukáš Strašík


    The rooms were okay, though the bathroom was a little small. Strangely enough, the hotel has horrible, blue lighting which is very aggressive. The bigger lift was malfunctioning half the time, the second one didn't work at all. At least it's located near a few public transport stops, so that's a plus. As for the breakfasts, they were pretty poor, to say the least...

  • Cedric Hurth

    Cedric Hurth


    Great hotel with a modern green (you would have guessed it..) decor. The breakfast is complete and served in a cool tree-lined interior courtyard.

  • Tomasz Rojewski

    Tomasz Rojewski


    This place certainly does not even deserve a three stars not to mention the four that they have. The rooms are simply very dirty which You can see clearly on the pictures attached by me. The first room we got was replaced after our protests just because of the dirty couch. Second Room had a very dirty carpet on the floor. Shower stall, in my opinion, it needed refurbishing and thorough cleaning. We had trouble opening and closing doors and windows in the room. The worst problem was the breakfast on the first day of our stay, it was simply inedible. After numerous protests about the quality of breakfast on the second day, the situation changed and finally we could eat breakfast. The only thing I can say positive about this place is that the hotel has a very nice and helpful staff. Despite being located in the suburbs of Budapest has very good access to public transport and you can get very quickly to the city center. Fortunately, the prices are half lower which is related to the distance from the center and definitely worse quality of the hotel compared to other 4 star hotels. This place definitely requires renovation and change of approach to guest service.

legközelebbi Bár

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