Fortuna Camping -

MagyarországFortuna Camping


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🕗 Nyitva tartás

164, Dósza György út, 2045, Törökbálint, HU Hungría
érintkezés telefon: +36 23 335 364
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.4323222, Longitude: 18.9007666

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    Piotr Danielczyk


    For a tent with two people and electricity and all the facilities we paid 15 eur (late September). We came there around 8 p.m. but without a problem we were greeted by the elder couple who apparently take care of the place. Although the owner didn't speak English perfectly, we communicated perfectly using a mix of languages. The place is quite nice, bathrooms ok and rather clean, although not the highest standard and a bit too dark. All in all, I would recommend this place, although it's not a perfectly quiet place, since even during the night you can hear from the distance the sounds of the nearby road.

  • Margit Sepp

    Margit Sepp


    Soodne telkla. Normaalsed wc ja pesuruumid. Võimalik ka pesu pesta. Puhas bassein, liumägi. Võid lõket teha või siis oma grilliga grillida. Päevitusterass toolidega basseini ääres.

  • Andreas Siegert

    Andreas Siegert


    The owner is the most unpleasant guy to run a campground I've ever met. While I obviously dared to disturb him on his after lunch break for Check-in, he hit his desk with his hands and shouting at me, because I was saying Budapest (the German way, as I was speaking German with him). If I hadn't set up our Caravan already with two tired children, I would have moved on without hesitation. The place itself has a nice settings but it has seen better days, not much effort is put in, to keep it nice. No toilet paper or soap in the bathroom. Some toilets clogged and not really clean. Very limited hot water in the showers. The Pool seemed to be nice, but I didn't check it out.

  • Kathrin Weber - Konzack

    Kathrin Weber - Konzack


    Schöner Platz, netter Betreiber, Toilette Sanitär landestypisch und sauber... Pool auf dem Platz... Empfehlenswert..

  • nl

    Herman Witter


    Een mooie camping met potentie voor een toplicht. De schoonmaak van de toiletgroepen laat te wensen over. Het zwembad is mooi.

legközelebbi Táborhely

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