Faust Wine Cellar -

MagyarországFaust Wine Cellar



🕗 Nyitva tartás

1, Hess András tér, 1014, Budapest, HU Węgry
érintkezés telefon: +36 20 326 3503
weboldal: gbwine.eu
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.5033602, Longitude: 19.0337231

hozzászólások 5

  • The Lethalist

    The Lethalist


    Ok so I need a few more stars for this one. A superb setting in the cellars under the Hilton hotel (/Dominican cloister), though maybe a bit too dark. The sommelier was very knowledgeable and fun, and then there's the wine (red tasting only), it was fabulous, much better than I thought it was going to be. There was a good selection and som talked us through the houses and grapes, and answered our questions without issue. I've seen people have had trouble with bookings, we booked on line which may be preferable, thankfully it was quiet during our tasting and there was no rush. A great experience.

  • Justine Cawley

    Justine Cawley


    So not happy with Faust wine cellars!! My boyfriend and I booked 2 days in advance and it was confirmed for 2pm Monday. When we arrive they tell us there is absolutely no record of our booking which is extremely annoying seeing as it was our last day and Budapest and we had planned everything around it. The individual we were speaking to at the cellar told us it was his wife who took the call and that “he knows his wife” and she wouldn’t have messed up the booking, incinuiating it was our fault and we misunderstood the booking call? He wasn’t apologetic in the least bit and told us we could wait 30 mins and see if there was a cancellation. Not impressed AT ALL. Book with caution if you want to potentially waste your time.

  • Nicholas Guy

    Nicholas Guy


    Extremely disappointed!! Terrible customer service!! Called two days before to make a booking and was really looking forward to it. Showed up to the booking to tell us they had no record even though you could see our number had rung to book. They tried to blame us even though we had confirmed the day before by phone too. Kept insisting it wasn’t his wife’s fault and that we were in the wrong. Be very wary when booking if you are planning your day around this.

  • Sebastien Jousset

    Sebastien Jousset


    A faire absolument à Budapest si vous êtes amoureux du vin et que vous voulez découvrir les vins hongrois ! Vrai cave qui se situe sous l’hotel Hilton. Il faut réserver via un site (que je vais tenter d’ajouter si je peux), une formule à 32€ de mémoire ou vous dégusterez pas moins de 7 ou 8 vins hongrois avec la présentation d’un sommelier passionné. Vraiment une top expérience, déjà fait 2 fois.

  • en

    Nathalie Raetzo


    What a wonderful experience! We had booked a wine tasting for 2 people, and spent 2 delightful hours in this hidden gem. The sommelier was friendly and knowledgeable, he took time to explain each wine, and we discovered excellent wines from this clearly underestimated wine country.

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