E-EXIT escape game Budapest -

MagyarországE-EXIT escape game Budapest



🕗 Nyitva tartás

27, Nyár utca, 1072, Budapest, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 30 889 3633
weboldal: e-exit.hu
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.498614, Longitude: 19.064861

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    Tomek K


    Great place. Really untypical riddles. We very enjoy that escaperoom

  • Free Wolken

    Free Wolken


    I tried the Circus room with my boyfriend, which was beginner difficulty. It was our first time trying escape rooms (they offered more advanced rooms as well). It was fun, different and challenging, but there were some things in the room that didn't work at the time, which was a bit annoying. The staff was helpful and spoke English well, and we got a good introduction and explanation of how it worked before entering the escape room. I definitely recommend the circus room for other people looking to try escape rooms.

  • Martyn Brett-Lee

    Martyn Brett-Lee


    We did the Heaven & Hell room and it was really fun. We’ve completed many escape rooms, but this was very good. There were just two of us, but we still managed to complete the room with time to spare!

  • Monika Spylczyn

    Monika Spylczyn


    Nice and friendly staff. Having visited Heaven and hell room, I must admit it's the escape room with the extraordinary atmosphere, and thrilling, very detailed decor. The room can be visited by 2-6 people, but I'd recommend you not to go there with more than 5 people, as I've missed on a lot of riddles and didn't feel involved. Prepare for coming out of your comfort zone ;) and if you like to feel the thrill, you will definitely like the room

  • Olga Borysenko

    Olga Borysenko


    This was the very first time we decided to escape from a room in another country. The experience and logics differ a lot from what I'm used to. The game was exciting and realistic. Many thanks to our amazing and friendly game master.

legközelebbi Vidámpark

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