Cultivini -




🕗 Nyitva tartás

4, Párizsi utca, 1052, Budapest, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 1 235 0230
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.4939707, Longitude: 19.0533552

hozzászólások 5

  • Giang Do

    Giang Do


    I bought and drank the two bottles introduced and suggested by the 2 staffs at Cultivini. It was just perfect as I liked the dry taste and complex flavours of Tokaj wines. They said they knew the wine makers. That’s absolutely the bonus point as I didn’t have time to explore this Hungarian wine region. However, the price of 35€ per bottle is a little bit pricey as I can find the similar excellent white wines at this range. Though it was Nice to visit the place with wine tasting done by Enomatic machine. It’s just cool for a hot day!

  • Mullet Lee

    Mullet Lee


    Wonderful experience! Perfect place for people who wants to try a variety of Hungarian wine. The concept is good even for novice. You can use the wine app on their tablet to learn about all the wine there, so shy novices dont need to worry! Buy the lowest tier premium package. You can top up later, no difference.

  • en

    Bethany Stephens


    We were hoping to do a full tasting of Hungarian wines but due to running late didn't have time. Cultivini were very accommodating and allowed us to just sample a couple anyway. It's a beautiful shop, well staffed, and only carries Hungarian wines of which there were a huge selection. The staff are hugely knowlegeable and were able to recommend two red which me and my companion enjoyed immensely. Very reasonably priced and welcoming. We hope to return and do a full sampling (they use the same sort of card based tasting system where you pay for what you drink as Vinopolis in London) when we are next in the city.

  • Carine Gentelet

    Carine Gentelet


    Very good experience. Good local wine tasting with very useful and kind advices. Tokai 5 putunyos extraordinary Cyril & Carine from France

  • en

    Damian Kelleher


    Excellent wine tasting. A whole new world of Hungarian wine awaits! The staff were great and the supplied cheese and meat platter really rounded out the day.

legközelebbi Bár

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