ClickRent Rent a Car -

MagyarországClickRent Rent a Car



🕗 Nyitva tartás

829, Üllői út, 2220, Budapest, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 70 450 0555
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.4222957, Longitude: 19.2375932

hozzászólások 4

  • en

    Alon Arad


    Very bad experience!!!

  • en

    Karolin Pavics


    Forgot to pick us up from the airport (waited with small children for 30 minutes) At return they didn't turn up!!! I had wait ONE HOUR with small children and we nearly missed our flight. We haven't received any apologies whatsoever. Total disgrace. AVOID!!

  • en

    Galina Kustin


    Stay away from ClickRent in Budapest! ClickRent in Budapest is an unprofessional and dishonest company. Very bad service and they tried to cheat us. We rented through EconomyCarRentals two cars from ClickRent in Budapest at 10.09.2015 1. They did not pick up us in the airport at night ( we paid 50 euro for late pick up for each car) 2. The gas tank of one of the car was empty(paid) 3. When we returned the cars in time, nobody was in the office, we waited a lot of time for a clerk and after that for a shuttle. 4.And the worst of all, they took a double payment (500 euro) for the car. Only after we threatened that we will continue this case through a lawyer, we got our money back. It took three mounths. No doubt they tried to fool us.

  • fr

    Ekaterina Alushkina


    Very bad experience. I booked a car at Rent Click HU the August 12, they took 500 € warranty on my bank account (payment by credit card) and I'm still waiting this amount refunding (we are October 22). Pay attention!!!!! Très mauvais expérience. J'ai réservé une voiture chez Click Rent HU 12 août 2015, ils ont pris environ 500€ de garantie sur mon compte bancaire (paiement fait par CB) et j'attends toujours le remboursement de cette somme (nous somme le 22 octobre 2015). Faites attention!!!!!

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