Camping Arena Budapest -

MagyarországCamping Arena Budapest



🕗 Nyitva tartás

Hétfőnyitott 24 óra
Keddnyitott 24 óra
Szerdanyitott 24 óra
Csütörtöknyitott 24 óra
Pénteknyitott 24 óra
Szombatnyitott 24 óra
Vasárnapnyitott 24 óra
7, Pilisi utca, 1106, Budapest, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 30 296 9129
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.504162, Longitude: 19.1583835

hozzászólások 5

  • Jakub Eider

    Jakub Eider


    Arena camping is great. Clean, spacious and with great prices. Also Klaudia in reception is the happiest and most helpful person you can meet in all of Budapest

  • Izakk Anand

    Izakk Anand


    The hostess Claudia is extremely helpful and informative. Great camping and great staff. Highly recommend

  • en

    Christian Lopez


    Wow, coming all the way from Texas, I've spent 6 nights in a different, "nicer" hotel with amenities and what not... But this place by far has me more excited to stay one more night in Budapest. It's a small, quaint, and naturally beautiful camping ground with nice and inexpensive rooms to stay with a better shower than I've seen in most of America. The hostess, Claudia is not only extremely beautiful, but exemplararily helpful and polite (something not all-too-common among the people I've encountered in the city center). I had to wait a small while to have my room ready for me, but she gave me a place to charge my phone (offered an extension cord), have a drink, and gave tips about where to go during my short wait. Definitely made missing my early flight worth it. Thank you Arena Camping, and Claudia!!!!

  • Marta JP

    Marta JP


    Clean bathrooms, generally good conditions, lots of parking space. Friendly and helpful staff who speak English. However, close to the airport so if you mind the noise, you'd better avoid this camping. Another disadvantage is the fact that there was no kitchen, at least some time ago during summer holidays, so you couldn't even make tea or coffee at the campsite. Fortunately, we could eat meals in the nearby university (the camping and the university had an egreement). They also a had coffee machine and a tea stand.

  • Tom Salathiel

    Tom Salathiel


    I visited Budapest over Christmas in 2017 and booked to stay at the Camping Arena. I thoroughly enjoyed my stay here and would highly recommend to anybody visiting Budapest. The site is extremely well located with the M2 metro line providing quick access in central Budapest. The facilities available are great, and shower rooms and toilets facilities are kept very clean and tidy. Finally, the staff are all very friendly and accommodating and happy to provide visitors to Budapest with useful information on the best sights and attractions to see whilst staying in the City. Would highly recommend!!!

legközelebbi Táborhely

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