Café Astoria Restaurant -

MagyarországCafé Astoria Restaurant



🕗 Nyitva tartás

19, Kossuth Lajos utca, 1053, Budapest, HU Ungarn
érintkezés telefon: +36 1 889 6022
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.4940695, Longitude: 19.0593862

hozzászólások 5

  • Jessica Percifull

    Jessica Percifull


    Came in later in the afternoon for coffee and a cake and to get a break from the rain and found out that they have a happy hour. Free coffee/cappuccino with cake purchase! I also just found out that they have a discount with the Budapest card which we didn’t realize, so hopefully this will help someone else!

  • en

    Ksenia Korobeynikova


    It's a real grand cafe according to the interior. But service is slow and not so friendly. I mean if I am going for tea it would be nice to ask me if I am going for real tea, not ugly low level tea bag. And if other person is going for coffee it's also make since to be curios should it be cold or warm milk. If we are speaking about grand cafe, off course.

  • Gislene Cortez

    Gislene Cortez


    Atendimento deveria ser um pouco melhor para quem não fala húngaro. Nem deveriam rir dos turistas que não entendem o cardápio. Mas o ambiente e os drinks foram muitos bons.

  • en

    Teresa Kock


    Excellent place! I stayed in the Astoria hotel with my husband and visited three times in this cafe/restaurant of the hotel. Interior is beautiful and atmosphere really peaceful and nice. Staff was very friendly and polite. Food and cakes, cafes and cocktails were very good quality. Prices more than reasonable. We both really enjoyed visiting this place - both on cafe and restaurant sides.

  • en

    Chris Weatherill


    Waited a long time to be served even though it was quite at the time. Had an Hot chocolate and cake which were both of excellent quality. Really good value during the promotion offer they have

legközelebbi Kávézó

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