Bodrogi Kuria Wellness Hotel **** -

MagyarországBodrogi Kuria Wellness Hotel ****



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Hétfőnyitott 24 óra
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Csütörtöknyitott 24 óra
Pénteknyitott 24 óra
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Vasárnapnyitott 24 óra
Inárcs, Szent György utca 1, 2365 Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 29 371 646
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.2776397, Longitude: 19.3187428

hozzászólások 5

  • Andrei Stanasel

    Andrei Stanasel


    Room was dirty when we cam in, and we had to pay extra for the AC. Take a look how the hallway looked while they had guests there..

  • en



    I would not recommend this place for the money. The road to the hotel was very bad, covered in sand and not looked after at all. When we arrived there the hotel looked very lovely, and the staff were friendly, they could partially speak English which was fine, when we arrived to our room it looked very good, however we noticed that the AC did not work at all, which was really awful. The pool area was very nice, with staff there if you needed anything and both an in-house and outdoor pool (although they were not that big) The restaurant itself looked good, but everything else in the restaurant was awful, they had no menus, only the buffet, the buffet cost us 15 euros per person and it was tasteless.

  • en

    Mike Snow


    Great place with delicious food. An excellent place to relax.

  • en



    Somewhat hard to get there, you have to drive on dirt road the last bit. The wellness part of the hotel isn't too large and gets crowded quickly. The rooms are decent, posh even, although the quality of the furniture isn't great, plus the cleaning is not thorough enough. The food is all right, nothing fancy or creative. Staff was friendly but not truly professional. All in all, we had a good time there, but I must say it was during winter and with few other guests. During a more popular period it is certainly too jammed for our taste.

  • Marko Mitrovic

    Marko Mitrovic


    Bit hard to reach with the dirt road. Space is in old fashioned style, with nice large garden, outside hot tub and small outside pool.

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