BioHair Hajvágószalon - Fórum -

MagyarországBioHair Hajvágószalon - Fórum



🕗 Nyitva tartás

30, Csapó utca, 4024, Debrecen, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 70 247 8000
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.5329245, Longitude: 21.6282949

hozzászólások 5

  • NIii Sannio

    NIii Sannio


    NO RECOMMEND!!! If possible I will give 0 star. For this time experience, I am really mad with this salon barber. Only the cashier can speak English with a good service. And before I got the haircut I was said to the cashier that I need someone to cut my hair like the photo shown. She replied me okay. There is a barber she was tugging my hair many times while washing it, of course, she can not feel the pain, that is my hair. But I did not thought that is the horrible haircut journey beginning. She asked me a photo and I showed it to her. In this photo it including the front, side, back hairstyle. She replied me "okay" like she is usually doing it, and in the end, she gave me the totally different hairstyle, she made it by her favorite and cut it very short like a man's hair. Come on, I am a girl, why she did this to me? The worst is even I could complain it but she can not understand. Before the payment, I asked the cashier how long should I wait for my hair growth look like the picture shows, she was talked to another barber and seems like they found it is different with what I required. So the cashier was talked to the barber who cut my hair and replied me that it needs a few months. That's sad, I mean it. What the hell I choose this salon to cut my hair!!! After I come back to home and all of my flatmates and the friends who met with me were laughing at my hairstyle. Do you know what they said? they said I look like a person who just wearing a wig. I do really will no come back and tell all of the people who I know to reject this salon.

  • en

    E BS


    For the first time in my life I went back to the salon and demanded a refund because the haircut was so bad. The hairdresser had left out to cut huge chunks of the hair in the back of my head, something i failed to notice before I got home. On top of that she burned me with the hairdryer to the point that it smelled like burned hair. The salon offered to fix it right away when I went back later the same day but I would rather take my business somewhere else at that point. So after asking to speak to the manager on the phone and then explaining him my situation, I was refunded, and got an apology as well.

  • Tibor Koroknai

    Tibor Koroknai


    Cash only ...

  • en

    Chuck Rodriguez


    Cashier speaks English and is very helpful.

  • Tovin Nguyen

    Tovin Nguyen


    Great price and great service. Both of the occasions I have come here, I have been greeted and served by helpful staff. The cashier speaks English and will translate for you with the hair dressers. If you want to change something or tell something, then there is no hassle communicating. It is also cheap. Would recommend.

legközelebbi Hajápolás

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