5 Elements Balinese Day Spa -

Magyarország5 Elements Balinese Day Spa



🕗 Nyitva tartás

4a, Csalogány utca, 1015, Budapest, HU Magyarország
érintkezés telefon: +36 30 235 3555
weboldal: 5elements-massage-spa.hu
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.507579, Longitude: 19.038069

hozzászólások 5

  • ko

    bongjo cho


  • Nóra Királyi-Papp

    Nóra Királyi-Papp


  • Omar A.

    Omar A.


    Very good Balinese massage.

  • hu

    Olivér Dr. Tamás


    Intim légkör, figyelmes kiszolgálás, profi masszőrök

  • en

    Marc Breeze


    First i must start with WOW!!! what an AWESOME!! experience. I planed for a final day of relaxation and pampering at the end of our long Holiday. after searching for places in budapest i finally chose 5 elements spa... we were SO happy this was our choice!! From the moment we walked in we were greeted with smiles!! We booked the Romantic rendezvous which consisted of an hours massage, 30 minute sauna, 60 minute body scrub, 90 minute FOUR!! hand massage, fresh orange juice, 60 minute Facial and 20 minute foot massage.... We have NEVER been treated so well!! we were totally Pampered!!! for the entire day. EVERY single of i think the 5 employees that worked with us was totally professional and very friendly. very concerned if we were happy.. All of the women and 1 man were very strong and able to message with great strength even on the 90 minute massage. The location is beautiful. and was VERY quiet. we had a room where all the work was done in private and on messaging tables next to each other. OUR AMAZING day ended with chocolate fondue with fruits, nice chinese tea and a bottle of red wine. and were left to enjoy in private for as long as we needed.. Both my wife and i have NEVER or expect that we may never be treated so well at a spa. we started our vacation having a massage at a top quality 5 star hotel and it didn't even come close. We thank ALLL of the workers for a day we will never forget!!!

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