Trófea Grill Étterem All You Can Eat and Drink -

MagyarországTrófea Grill Étterem All You Can Eat and Drink



🕗 Nyitva tartás

50/A, Visegrádi utca, 1132, Budapest, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 1 270 0366
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.517896, Longitude: 19.05776

hozzászólások 5

  • Melon cauli

    Melon cauli


    Came as a couple. The was a fair selection on offer but no wow factor to it. The restrant was wayyy to crammed. Too many people. The buffet area was wayyyyy to smalll for the amount of people the resturant hosts. Waiters were smiley and seemd polite. Me and my parntner only had two small plates of food and a small pudding to share and it cost us 20 euro each. Its quite expensive for what it is so make sure you take advantage of what they offer and go hungry. Food wasnt that tasty. The sushi was bad and wasnt an amazing experience. Wasnt terrible. Just wasnt enjoyable.

  • en



    Ten years ago..5 stars, 5 years ago 4 stars, last couple of years just three simply because the quality of the food and the offerings in general have been the subject of much cost cutting measures..of all the Troffea I have tried , this was the best. Frankly, there need to be changes in the Food me 90 % of the same dishes are offered year atter year.. for the one time visitor, this will be a very pleasant and best value for the money, for the frequent visitor, it has gotten to the point where i only go to the buffet once or twice as nothing is really appealing any longer, Salmon, shrimp, pate and real steak pieces were plentifull... coktails did taste like it had booze in it.. now.. much watered down..! Again, I am being critical in the hope that some positive changes will come out of it.. this was our favorite place to bring foreign Visitors .. we still do .. because they can get a wide variety of good hungarian dishes and tastes .. as long as they don't come too often..

  • en

    Csilla Nemeth


    Nice service, but very average food,nothing really tasty. Quantity over quality

  • en

    Nelly Olibiti


    Huge variety, very good service and amazing food in a reasonable price -considering its all you can eat-. Would 100% recommend

  • Szabolcs Galambos

    Szabolcs Galambos


    The service was perfect and the food was tasty, much better than other Trofeas. I recommend the place.

legközelebbi Étterem

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