Szent János Kórház Főigazgatóság -

MagyarországSzent János Kórház Főigazgatóság


nincs információ

🕗 Nyitva tartás

Budapest, 1125 Magyarország
érintkezés telefon: +36 1 458 4500
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.5091065, Longitude: 19.0084725

hozzászólások 1

  • Ákos Zalaváry

    Ákos Zalaváry


    The director of this hospital should have been fired already. I have made several complaints already about how negligent they are by not putting out any proper signs for directions (except for the buffet, of course, that generates revenue). Lives could be lost because of the time spent on finding the right buildings in this huge hospital area. Even in these buildings the patient reception works totally different. There are typical post-communist style papers with unnecessary information hanged everywhere, but the important things not. They might think that as they know these, should be a common sense for everyone. E.g. there is no sign anywhere for where the Children Emergency building is. Even gatekeepers of the hospital shared their bad feelings about this, telling the story that the director is rather having parties with drinks than to put back any sign since the wind wrenched it. Unbelievable and absolutely not acceptable in the 21st century, even the low funded healthcare could not be an excuse. By the way, I offered that me and my colleagues ourselves as charity would bring and place out signs offered for the hospital free of charge, but instead as a counter offer an unknown foundation's account was given to us where we were rather expected to pay money to. I just cannot express how crappy I feel about the whole situation.

legközelebbi Kórház

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