Pub Crawl Budapest -

MagyarországPub Crawl Budapest



🕗 Nyitva tartás

49, Akácfa utca, 1073, Budapest, HU Magyarország
érintkezés telefon: +36 30 609 0279
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.5003136, Longitude: 19.0653335

hozzászólások 5

  • Neik Jaaklar

    Neik Jaaklar


    It was ok, but my worst pubcrawl so far

  • en

    lakhan Kumar


    It's normally now 20 euros beware of that. Have a great night :D

  • utube 17

    utube 17


    A Complete Waste!! Never even knew our tour guide's name. She stayed to herself at every bar. She talked to know one about where we were going, Budapest or the shots being passed out. Would have had more fun going alone and saved the money for the low grade shot selling scam this turned out to be overall. Use another company as you will only start in one bar ( while the last bar is litterally attached to the first bar), walk to two lame bars and return to the attached bar. You won't see the best in Budapest on this tour as some of our group opted to leave and go ourselves. Getting my money back for sure!!

  • Andreea C

    Andreea C


    Me and my friends go on pub crawls in every city we visit so we couldn't just skip Budapest although it was a close call. We ended up at the right time/right address in front of the poster advertising the pub crawl and looked around....nothing. The bouncer ( meeting place was a bar) looked at us and shrugged, the girl at one of the bars inside the complex ( we searched on) shrugged. We were lucky to meet another group of eager crawlers who spotted the second poster inside in the back. Long story short, it was a pretty standard crawl, good pubs, little walking, diverse music...but please put someone up front even if it's raining.

  • Jason McCasland

    Jason McCasland


    The experience provided is something that could found without the service. It wasn’t bad, it was simply average.

legközelebbi Bár

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