Napsugár Vendégházikó i Orosháza

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UngarnNapsugár Vendégházikó



🕗 åbningstider

1, Napsugár utca, 5900, Orosháza, HU Magyarország
kontakter telefon: +36
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Latitude: 46.565077, Longitude: 20.632016

kommentar 4

  • Lydia van der Kroon

    Lydia van der Kroon


    Lovely place to stay. Everything is there. Friendly owner wants to help you with everything.

  • Akos Toth

    Akos Toth


    Close to the spa. The location is really quiet, lovely place between the pine trees, the only sounds come from the street are the birds chirping. The house has a terrace what is really moody especially in the sunset. The house is well equipped, in the garden you can find a fire place. Everything went fine when I visited the apartment. The owner of the place is a really cool guy, he has a good sense how to run the business. I am going to come back to this place.

  • hu

    Norbi Balla


  • hu

    Rita Gálné Benner


    Tündéri vendéghàz a fürdőtől 5 perc sétàra,hoteleket megszégyenîtő felszereltséggel. A Hàzigazda tökéletes VENDÉGLÀTÓ. Itt ugazàn minden a vendégről szól.

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