Minoo House -

MagyarországMinoo House



🕗 Nyitva tartás

3, Mikszáth Kálmán tér, 1088, Budapest, HU Magyarország
érintkezés telefon: +36 20 375 2264
weboldal: www.minoohouse.com
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.4901747, Longitude: 19.0665675

hozzászólások 5

  • Martin Edlund

    Martin Edlund


    I stayed here a couple of days in 2013, and it's one of my best hostel experiences so far. Arrived by bike in the middle of the night after a 10 hour trip through Hungary. The night staff were really friendly and helpful (I even got a beer!). The rooms are ok but the location is excellent and the staff is great, I got a lot of help from them. They helped me find a store where I could buy wrapping for my bike to my flight home (that was open on a national holiday). Fixed a cab that could carry the bike. And they also gave me pro tips for the Budapest nightlife (went far away from the tourist streets, pubs and clubs). All in all, a great place to stay and meet other people!

  • Axelle Crabé

    Axelle Crabé


  • Greg MacNeil

    Greg MacNeil


    Awesome spot for the price. It's old but it has lots of character. Friendly staff

  • en

    Oscar Holzwart


    Very nice building and staff in a cute part of the city; I can highly recommend it!

  • Lizzy Rhodes

    Lizzy Rhodes


    I honestly did not feel safe and secure here at all. The only thing this place has going for it is the location. My room on the ground floor smelled like human sewage making it almost unbearable one night. There is very little security and although I had a room with just me and my friends, there was NO LOCK on the door and hostel guests continuously left the locked outer doors wide open, giving virtually anyone access to our belongings. Even worse, there was a pair of double doors in our room that we assumed was locked until strange men we'd never seen popped their heads in at 2 AM one night after repeatedly telling them to leave us alone. Seriously, do not stay here if you value safety.

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