Kőleves kert -

MagyarországKőleves kert



🕗 Nyitva tartás

37, Kazinczy utca, 1075, Budapest, HU Hungría
érintkezés telefon: +36 20 213 5999
weboldal: www.koleves.com
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.4990631, Longitude: 19.0614085

hozzászólások 5

  • Ana A

    Ana A


    This place would be great if the staff pulled their heads out of their own a*ses. The service is just apalling. For example I was ignored (as were several other patrons) at the bar whilst one 'barman' had a chat over the counter to another 'barman' who was smoking a cigarette (yes, behind the bar), another 'barman' was sitting on the step. Finally we were served and it was apparent that he didn't know how to pull a beer either - the head on mine was twice the size as that on my husband's beer. Perhaps it was because he was drunk - he (and his colleagues) were each chugging down their own beers behind the bar. Breach of licence conditions much? Didn't see a smile from one of them the whole time we were there (which wasn't long because we couldn't get a second round). It seems to me that these kids behind the bar are trying way too hard to be cool (judging by their uniform 'retro' music t-shirts, bad sleeve tattoos and of course their cliched hipster moustaches) which simply translates as cold, rude and never again.

  • en

    Grand Jacques


    The please looks good, but the bartenders are way too cool to serve you in timely manners. Ignoring you until you leave seems their trademarks. My advice: look like a local and you might even get a smile.... Good hospitality is easy but there bad hospitality is easier

  • es



    Un sitio chulo, pero no añade nada nuevo al género

  • Foodie en Crisis

    Foodie en Crisis


    Fuimos dos veces, una para cenar, donde estuvo un poco caro y normal y otra para desayunar donde sencillamente nos encantó. Al desayuno de daría 5 estrellas y os recomiendo que vayais un día. Por ejemplo cuando vayais a ver la Sinagoga, ya que está muy cerquita, en pleno barrio judio. Habíamos leído que probar su Shakshuka era una de las cosas imperdibles y lo suscribo totalmente, es uno de los "desayunos del mundo" que se convirtió automaticamente en uno de mis favoritos. Además la decoración del local es bastante divertida

  • saladino rodriguez gregores

    saladino rodriguez gregores


    Variado original, buen ambiente, los baños un poco sucios....

legközelebbi Bár

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